Library Tab
VueZone System
4 Enter the email addresses and a message to your recipients. To send to more than one
email address, use a semi-colon between the addresses.
5 Click Send.
To cancel, click the X in t
he upper right corner.
When your friends receive the email, they can click a link to a p
age to see what you sent
them. From here, they can click the video or snapshot, which enlarges for easy viewing.
Upload a Video to YouTube or a Snapshot to Flickr
To share content using YouTube (videos) or Flickr (snapshots), you need to have an account
with the service.
To share your videos and snapshots with your social media network:
1 Select
the check box for each recording or snapshot that you want to share.
You can select more than one.
2 Click the Sha
re button to display the drop-down menu.
3 Select Upload.
4 Select th
e appropriate service and sign in.
5 Follow
the instructions for the service you selected.
To delete a video or snapshot:
If a file is locked, before you can delete it you have to go to the Library tab and unlock it.
1 Select
the check box for the video or snapshot that you want deleted.
2 Click the Del
ete button.