Getting Started
VueZone System
Install the Cameras
Use the magnetic mounts provided in the package to install your cameras.
To install a camera:
1 Decide where you want to inst
all the camera.
2 If
you want to stick the mount directly to a surface, peel off the protective layer on the back
of the mounting ball.
3 Either stick the mount
to the surface you selected or install the mounting screw (included)
and hang the mounting ball from the screw head.
4 Place the camera on the magne
tic mount and aim it where you want video coverage.
5 V
iew the video through your http://my.vuezone.com account on your computer or
smartphone. You can adjust your camera position while viewing.
To use a smartphone you need to download and install an app.
Start Viewing
After you sync your cameras and register as described in the previous sections you can view
streaming video.
To view video from your cameras:
1 Log in to http://my.vuezone.com.
The cameras that have synced are shown on the Cameras tab.
2 Click
on the camera control bar to start viewing.
3 If
you do not see the control bar, mouse over the video player and it pops up.
You can also use your smartphone to view your camera with VueZone Mobile for iPhone and
Android. VueZone Mobile requires a subscription to the VueZone Premier or Elite service
plans. Visit www.vuezone.com/mobile for details.