ProSecure Unified Threat Management UTM10 or UTM25 Reference Manual
3-2 Manually Configuring Internet and WAN Settings
v1.0, September 2009
4. Configure dynamic DNS on the WAN ports (optional). Configure your fully qualified
domain names during this phase (if required). See “Configuring Dynamic DNS” on page 3-19.
5. Configure the WAN options (optional). Optionally, you can enable each WAN port to
respond to a ping, and you can change the factory default MTU size and port speed. However,
these are advanced features and changing them is not usually required. See “Configuring
Advanced WAN Options” on page 3-22.
Each of these tasks is detailed separately in this chapter.
Configuring the Internet Connections
To set up your UTM for secure Internet connections, you configure WAN ports 1 and 2. The Web
Configuration Manager offers two connection configuration options:
• Automatic detection and configuration of the network connection.
• Manual configuration of the network connection.
Each option is detailed in the sections following.
Automatically Detecting and Connecting
To automatically configure the WAN ports for connection to the Internet:
1. Select Network Config > WAN Settings from the menu. On the UTM25, the WAN Settings
tabs appear, with the WAN1 ISP Settings screen in view (see Figure 3-1 on page 3-3, which
shows the UTM25 screen). On the UTM10, the WAN ISP screen displays.
Note: For information about how to configure the WAN meters, see “Enabling the WAN
Traffic Meter” on page 11-1.
Note: The initial Internet configuration of the UTM is described in Chapter 2, “Using the
Setup Wizard to Provision the UTM in Your Network.” If you used the Setup
Wizard to configure your Internet settings, you need this section only if you want
to make changes to your Internet connections.