ProSecure Unified Threat Management UTM10 or UTM25 Reference Manual
v1.0, September 2009
exclusions 6-44
size exceptions 6-6, 6-23, 6-41
blocking traffic 5-39
reports 11-42
Web content filtering 2-22
search criteria, logs 11-35
Secure Hash Algorithm 1. See SHA-1.
Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL (VPN).
log messages C-12
overview 1-5
settings, using the Setup Wizard 2-16
security association. See SA.
security lock 1-12
Security Parameters Index. See SPI.
security subscription
HTTP proxy 2-25
update frequency 2-25
update settings, using the Setup Wizard 2-24
service blocking
reducing traffic 10-2
rules 5-4
rules, firewall 5-3, 5-4
service licenses
activating 2-27
automatic retrieval 2-29
expiration dates 11-22
trial period 2-27
service logs 11-9, 11-33, 11-35
service numbers, common protocols 5-31
service registration card 1-8
Session Initiation Protocol. See SIP.
session limits
configuring 5-23
logging dropped packets 11-14
Setup Wizard, initial configuration 2-7
severities, syslog 11-9
IKE policies 7-28
ModeConfig 7-45
self certificate requests 9-23
VPN policies 7-36
shutting down 11-48
signature key length 9-23
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. See SMTP.
Network Manag
ement Protocol. See SNMP.
single WAN port mode
bandwidth capacity 10-1
description (UTM25) 3-10
SIP 5-24
e-mail messages 2-19
Web files 2-20
Web objects 2-20
Skype 2-17, 6-21
action, infected e-mail 2-18
anti-virus settings 6-6
default port 2-17, 6-4
Distributed Spam Analysis 6-17
enabling scanning 2-17
file extension blocking 6-11
file name blocking 6-11
keyword blocking 6-10
password-protected attachment blocking 6-10
server for e-mail notification 2-23
sniffer 12-4
attached devices 10-14
community strings 10-15
configuring 10-14
description 1-7
overview 10-14
traps 10-15
trusted hosts 10-15
source MAC filtering
configuring MAC addresses 5-40
logging matched packets 11-14
reducing traffic 10-5
blocked messages, recent 5 and top 5 11-18
Distributed Spam Analysis 6-16
logs 11-8, 11-32, 11-34
protection 6-11