Quality of Service (QoS) Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no classofservice ip-dscp-mapping
This command maps each IP DSCP value to its default internal traffic class value.
Format no classofservice ip-dscp-mapping
classofservice trust
This command sets the Class of Service trust mode of an interface. You can set the mode to
trust one of the Dot1p (802.1p), IP DSCP, or IP Precedence packet markings. You can also
set the interface mode to untrusted. If you configure an interface to use Dot1p, the mode
does not appear in the output of the show running config command because Dot1p is
the default.
Format classofservice trust {dot1p | ip-dscp | ip-precedence | untrusted}
• Global Config
• Interface Config
no classofservice trust
This command sets the interface mode to the default value.
Format no classofservice trust
• Global Config
• Interface Config
cos-queue min-bandwidth
This command specifies the minimum transmission bandwidth guarantee for each interface
queue. The total number of queues supported per interface is platform-specific. A value from
0–100 (percentage of link rate) must be specified for each supported queue, with 0 indicating
no guaranteed minimum bandwidth. The sum of all values entered must not exceed 100.
Format cos-queue min-bandwidth <bw-0> <bw-1> … <bw-n>
• Global Config
• Interface Config
no cos-queue min-bandwidth
This command restores the default for each queue's minimum bandwidth value.
Format no cos-queue min-bandwidth
• Global Config
• Interface Config
Global Config