Routing Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
show ip route
This command displays the routing table. The <ip-address> specifies the network for
which the route is to be displayed and displays the best matching best-route for the address.
The <mask> specifies the subnet mask for the given <ip-address>. When you use the
longer-prefixes keyword, the <ip-address> and <mask> pair becomes the prefix, and
the command displays the routes to the addresses that match that prefix. Use the
<protocol> parameter to specify the protocol that installed the routes. The value for
<protocol> can be connected, ospf, rip, or static. Use the all parameter to display
all routes including best and non-best routes. If you do not use the all parameter, the
command only displays the best route.
A “T” flag appended to a route indicates that it is an ECMP route, but only one of its next hops
has been installed in the forwarding table. The forwarding table might limit the number of
ECMP routes or the number of ECMP groups. When an ECMP route cannot be installed
because such a limit is reached, the route is installed with a single next hop. Such truncated
routes can be identified by a “T” after the interface name.
Note: If you use the connected keyword for <protocol>, the all
option is not available because there are no best or non-best
connected routes.
The show ip route command displays the routing tables in the following format:
Code IP-Address/Mask [Preference/Metric] via Next-Hop, Route-Timestamp, Interface
The columns for the routing table display the following information:
Format show ip route [{<ip-address> [<protocol>] | {<ip-address> <mask>
[longer-prefixes] [<protocol>] | <protocol>} [all] | all}]
• Privileged EXEC
• User EXEC
Term Definition
Route Codes
The key for the routing protocol codes that might appear in the routing table output.
Term Definition
The codes for the routing protocols that created the routes.
The IP-Address and mask of the destination network corresponding to this route.
The administrative distance associated with this route. Routes with low values are
preferred over routes with higher values.
The cost associated with this route.