Management Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
no sdm prefer
Use this command to return to the default template.
Format no sdm prefer
show sdm prefer
Use this command to view the currently active SDM template and its scaling parameters, or
to view the scaling parameters for an inactive template. When used with no optional
keywords, this command lists the currently active template and the template that will become
active on the next reboot, if it is different from the currently active template. If the system
boots with a non-default template and you clear the template configuration either using
sdm prefer or by deleting the startup configuration, show sdm prefer lists the default
template as the next active template.
Use the optional keywords to list the scaling parameters of a specific template.
Format show sdm prefer [dual-ipv4-and-ipv6 default |
ipv4-routing {default | data-center} ]
Parameter Description
Supports IPv4 routing only.
-data-center: Support more ECMP next hops in IPv4 routes.
-default: The routing template maximizes system resources for unicast routing,
typically required for a router in the center of a network.
Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routing.
This option is visible only when the switch supports IPv6 and IPv4 routing.
-default: Balance IPv4 and IPv6 Layer 2 and Layer 3 functionality.
Global Config
Privileged EXEC
Term Description
ARP Entries
The maximum number of entries in the IPv4 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache
for routing interfaces.
IPv4 Unicast
The maximum number of IPv4 unicast forwarding table entries.
IPv6 NDP Entries
The maximum number of IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) cache entries.
IPv6 Unicast
The maximum number of IPv6 unicast forwarding table entries.
ECMP Next Hops
The maximum number of next hops that can be installed in the IPv4 and IPv6 unicast
forwarding tables.