Utility Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
rmon collection history
This command sets the history control parameters of the RMON historyControl mib group.
Format rmon collection history <index number> buckets <1-65535> | interval <1-3600> |
owner <owner>
no rmon collection history
This command deletes the history control group entry with the specified index number.
Format no rmon collection history <index number>
show rmon
This command displays the entries in the RMON alarm table.
Format show rmon {alarms | alarm <alarm-index>}
show rmon collection history
This command displays the entries in the RMON history control table.
Format show rmon collection history
show rmon events
This command displays the entries in the RMON event table.
Format show rmon events
(Switch) # show rmon events
Index Description Type Community Owner Last time sent
1 test log public MIB 0 days 0 h:0 m:0 s
Interface Config
Interface Config
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