Management Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
set clibanner
Use this command to add the CLI Banner. The banner message supports up to 2000
Format set clibanner <line>
no set clibanner
Use this command to remove the CLI Banner downloaded through TFTP.
Format no set clibanner
Switch Database Management (SDM) Templates
You can use SDM templates to configure system resources in the switch and optimize
support for specific features depending on how the switch is used in the network. You can
select a template to provide the maximum system usage for a specific function. For example,
you could use a routing template to optimize resources for IPv4 routing if the network
environment does not use IPv6 routing.
Note the following:
• If you configure an SDM template, you must reload the switch for the configuration to take
• If you try to configure IPv6 routing without first selecting the dual IPv4-IPv6 routing
template, a warning message appears.
sdm prefer
Use this command to specify the SDM template to use on the switch.
Format sdm prefer {ipv4-routing {default | data-center} | dual-ipv4-and-ipv6
Global Config
Global Config
ipv4-routing for IPv4 only builds, dual-ipv4-ipv6 for IPv6 builds
Global Config