Routing Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
required when authorization type is simple text apssword. The parameter <vrid> is the
virtual router IFD which has an integer value range from 1 to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> authentication {none | simple <key>}
no ip vrrp authentication
This command sets the default authorization details value for the virtual router configured on
a specified interface.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> authentication
ip vrrp preempt
This command sets the preemption mode value for the virtual router configured on a
specified interface. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID, which is an integer from 1
to 255.
Format ip vrrp <vrid> preempt
no ip vrrp preempt
This command sets the default preemption mode value for the virtual router configured on a
specified interface.
Format no ip vrrp <vrid> preempt
ip vrrp priority
This command sets the priority of a router within a VRRP group. Higher values equal higher
priority. The range is from 1 to 254. The parameter <vrid> is the virtual router ID, whose
range is from 1 to 255.
The router with the highest priority is elected master. If a router is configured with the address
used as the address of the virtual router
, the router is called the “address owner.” The priority
of the address owner is always 255 so that the address owner is always master. If the master
has a priority less than 255 (it is not the address owner) and you configure the priority of
no authorization
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config
Interface Config