Hardware Installation Guide for the Prosafe Stackable Smart Switch FS700TS Series
2-12 Introduction
v1.0, December 2005
System LEDs
The following table describes the system LED designations.
Front Panel Buttons
Reset Button
The Smart Switch has a Reset Button to trigger a hardware reset of the switch. This is equivalent to
turning the power off and back on. The last saved configuration will be loaded onto the switch as it
resets. The LEDs on the switch should go out and then come back on as the switch goes through its
Power On Switch Test (POST).
Factory Defaults Button
The Smart Switch has a Factory Default Button to enable the clearing out of the current
configuration and returning the device back to the factory settings. This will remove all settings,
including the password, VLAN settings and port configurations. If the switches are in a stack, the
stacking settings are cleared by the Factory Defaults Button.
Port 1-24 Mode Select (FS752TPS only)
See Port 1-24 Mode LED description in Table 2-3.
Table 2-3. System LEDs
LED Designation
Port 1-24 Mode LED Solid Green: Ethernet LED Mode (default)
Solid Yellow: PoE LED Mode
Stack ID LED—One 7-segment
LED Display
Green: Displays Stack ID (1-6).
Stack Master LED Solid Green: Switch acts as a master unit in a stack of switches. The
Stack Master LED is lit if there is an active stack link, and the unit is in
stack mode.
Off: Switch acts as a slave unit in a stack of switches.
Power LED Solid Green: Power is supplied to the switch and is operating normally.
Off: Power is disconnected.
MAX POE LED Solid Yellow: Indicates less than 7W of PoE power is available.
Flashing Yellow: Indicates the PoE MAX LED was active in the
previous two minutes.
Off: There is at least 7W of PoE power available for another device