Hardware Installation Guide for the Prosafe Stackable Smart Switch FS700TS Series
2-10 Introduction
v1.0, December 2005
LED Designations
Port LEDs
The following table describes the port LED designations.
Table 1. Port LEDs Non-POE Device
Table 2-1. PORT LEDs on Non-PoE Devices
Port LED Designation
24/48 10/100M Ports—One
Link/ACT/SPD LED Off : No 10/100Mbps link is established on the port.
Solid Green: A valid 100Mbps link is established on
the port.
Flashing Green: Packet transmission or reception is
occurring on the port at 100Mbps.
Solid Yellow: A valid 10Mbps link is established on
the port.
Flashing Yellow: Packet transmission or reception is
occurring on the port at 10Mbps.
4 Gigabit Copper Ports—
Two LED's/Port on Jack
Left LED Link/ACT/
Off : No 10/100/1000Mbps link is established on the
Solid Green: A valid 1000Mbps link is established on
the port.
Solid Yellow: A valid 10/100Mbps link is established
on the port.
Flashing Green: Packet transmission or reception is
occurring on the port at 1000Mbps.
Flashing Yellow: Packet transmission or reception is
occurring on the port at 10/100Mbps.
Right LED Stack
LED (Combo port
group/Copper port
Green: Stack port has a valid link connection.
Off: Stack port does not have a valid link connection.
2 SFP Ports—One LED/Port SFP Link/ACT LED Off: No link is established on the port.
Solid Green: A valid link is established on the port.
Flashing Green: Packet transmission or reception is
occurring on the port.