Shared Folders
ReadyNAS OS 6.1
6. From the pop-up menu that displays, select Delete.
7. Confirm the deletion.
The selected ReadyCLOUD user can no longer use his or her ReadyCLOUD account to
access your ReadyNAS system.
Manage Permissions for ReadyCLOUD Users
By default, when you grant access to ReadyCLOUD users, those users can view and edit
shared folders on your ReadyNAS system.
You use the ReadyCLOUD web portal to configure the access rights to individual shared
folders. For each shared folder, you can specify which ReadyCLOUD users have permission
to view or edit the folder. The following table lists the access right options.
Table 6. Access right options
Access Right Description
Read-only The user with this permission can read files on this shared folder, but cannot edit or
create files on this shared folder
Read/write A user with this permission can read, edit, and create files on this shared folder.
Read-only for everyone
with exceptions
Access to this shared folder is read-only for all users except for one or more users
who are granted read/write permission.
Read/write for everyone
with exceptions
Access to this shared folder is read/write for all users except for one or more users
who are granted read-only permission.
Disabled with exceptions Access to this shared folder is disabled for all users except for one or more users
who are granted either read-only or read/write permission.