ReadyNAS OS 6.1
Basic Snapshot Concepts
The ReadyNAS can provide protection of shared folders and LUNs through snapshots.
Snapshots contain references to data on a shared folder or LUN. Strictly speaking,
snapshots are not backups, but they function as backups because you can recover data from
You can take snapshots only of shared folders or LUNs. You cannot take a snapshot of a
volume. Snapshots reside on the same volume as the shared folder or LUN from which they
were created.
Note: Snapshots are not supported for the home folders that the
ReadyNAS automatically creates for each user. For more
information about home folders, see User and Group Account
Limitations on page 151.
The ReadyNAS can automatically take snapshots of a shared folder or LUN according to a
schedule that you specify
. You can also manually take or delete individual snapshots at any
time. Depending on available storage space, you can keep an unlimited number of
When the available storage space on a volume decreases below
five percent of the volume’s total storage space, the oldest
automatic snapshots are automatically deleted to bring the
available storage space back to 5 percent or higher. Manual
snapshots are never automatically deleted.
Once protection is available, the shared folders and LUNs on the Shares screen indicate the
number of snapshots and the number of days with protection.
Figure 8. Shared folder with daily snapshots