RangeMax Wireless-N DSL Gigabit Modem Router DGN3500 User Manual
2-9 Configuring Your Wireless Network and Security Settings
v1.0, November 2009
2. In the Wireless Settings screen, under the Wireless Station Access List section, click the Setup
Access List button. The Wireless Station Access List screen displays:
3. Select the Turn Access Control On check box to enable the restricting of wireless computers
by their MAC addresses.
4. Specify which wireless computers you want to allow to access your wireless network.
• If a computer is connected to the network, you can select it from the Available Wireless
Stations list.
• You can copy and paste the MAC addresses from the modem router’s Attached Devices
screen into the MAC Address field of this screen. To do this, configure each wireless
computer to obtain a wireless link to the modem router. The computer should then appear
in the Attached Devices screen.
• If the computer is not connected, you can type in its MAC address. The MAC address is
usually printed on the wireless device, or it might appear in the modem router’s DHCP
table. The MAC address is 12 hexadecimal digits.
Figure 2-2