RangeMax Wireless-N DSL Gigabit Modem Router DGN3500 User Manual
1-5 Connecting Your Router to the Internet
v1.0, November 2009
2. Select Basic Settings from the modem router menu to display the Basic Settings screen.
3. Select Yes or No depending on whether your ISP requires a login. This selection changes the
fields available on the Basic Settings screen.
• Yes. If your ISP requires a login, select the encapsulation method. Enter the login name. If
you want to change the login time-out, enter a new value in minutes.
• No. If your ISP does not require a login, enter the account name, if required, and the
domain name, if required.
4. Enter the settings for the IP address and DNS server. If you enter or change a DNS address,
restart the computers on your network so that these settings take effect.
Figure 1-5
ISP does not require login
ISP does require login