
Supplemental Information
AC1600 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Model D6400
WiFi network key (passphrase) See product label
Country/region North America: United
Europe: Europe
Other continents: V
aries by region
RF channel Auto.
The available channels depend on the region.
Transmission speed Auto
Operating mode Up to 300 Mbps at 2.4 GHz
Up to 1300 Mbps at 5 GHz
Guest WiFi network
WiFi communication Disabled
SSID name 2.4 GHz band: NETGEAR-Guest
5 GHz band: NETGEAR-5G-Guest
SSID broadcast Enabled
Security None (open network)
Allow guests to access main network Disabled
General WiFi settings
Radio transmission power 100 percent, nonconfigurable
20/40 MHz coexistence Enabled
Fragmentation length 2346
CTS/RTS threshold 2347
Preamble mode Long Preamble
WPS capability Enabled
Modem router’s PIN Enabled, see the modem router’s web pages (path ADV
Advanced Setup > W
ireless Settings)
Keep Existing Wireless Settings Enabled
1. Maximum WiFi signal rate derived from IEEE Standard 802.11 specifications. Actual throughput can vary. Network conditions
and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, building materials and construction, and network overhead, lower
actual data throughput rate.
Table 5. D6400 modem router factory default settings (continued)
Feature Default Settings