Control Access to the Internet
AC1600 WiFi VDSL/ADSL Modem Router Model D6400
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and
password are case-sensitive.
4. Click the OK button.
The BASIC Home page displays.
5. Select ADVANCED > Security > Block Services.
6. In the Service Blocking section, specify how the modem router applies outbound rules:
• Per Schedule. The modem router applies o
utbound rules according to a schedule that
you set.
For more information, see Set Up a Schedule for Keyword Blocking and Outbound
Firewall Rules on page 136.
• Always. The modem router applies o
utbound rules continuously.
7. Below the Service Table, click the Add button.
8. From the Service Type menu, select service or application to be covered by this rule.