Use Your Hotspot
AirCard 779S Mobile Hotspot
The Submit button displays after you make a selection.
6. Click the Submit button.
Your changes are saved.
7. Reconnect your Wi-Fi devices, if necessary
, using the new Wi-Fi credentials.
See Connect to the Internet on page 12.
View Details About Your Hotspot
You can view details about your hotspot such as the model number, firmware version, and
IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) on both the LCD screen and the
hotspot web page.
To view details on the LCD screen:
1. Press the Power button to wake the LCD screen.
2. Press the Power button until the about device screen displays.
To view details about your hotspot on the hotspot web page:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the
2. Enter http://attwifimanager or
A login screen displays.
3. Enter the password in the Sign In field.
The default password is attadmin.
The password is case-sensitive.
4. Click the About link near the upper right corner of the screen.
The About mobile hotspot screen displays.