Chapter 6: Hardware Service 6-3
Symptom Probable Cause Solution
Speaker not working Speaker harness not connected Connect speaker harness to
DynaKey Controller Board.
MSR not working MSR card not oriented properly Ensure that magnetic stripe on
card is up when swiped.
MSR harness loose or broken Ensure that the MSR harness
is securely fastened to the
DynaKey Controller Board,
and that none of the wires
have pulled loose from the
Scanner not working Scanner not powered
Possible shorted condition.
Power for USB devices is
controlled by a USB
distribution switch.
LCD Dim/Contrast
too Light or Dark
Unit is cold Wait 15 minutes for unit to
reach operating temperature
before measuring brightness
or contrast. Do not expose the
unit to operating temperatures
below 5 degrees C.
Unit is in direct sunlight For best display quality, keep
the unit out of direct sunlight
or other bright light sources.
Lines in LCD Display Internal LCD harness loose Re-seat the LCD harness at the
DynaKey Controller Board
and LCD ends.
Bent pin in external LCD cable Check both ends of the LCD
cable for bent pins. Fix or
replace cable.