4-12 Chapter 4: Programming
NCR USB DynaKey Control Data Capture Registry Values
NCR Data Capture Registry values appear under the registry key:
"DcapControl"="10 (Hex destination(s): 1=DCap App, 2=Debugger,
4=File; 10/20/40 for immediate)"
"DcapFileMax"="0 (Max KB of data cap file)"
"DcapMask"="00000003 (Hex mask of events to capture)"
"DcapTime"="1F00 (Hex time option(s): 100=m:s, 300=h:m:s,
700=m/d h:m:s; 800+digits=millisec; 1000=threadid)"
"DcapLinePrefix"="NCRUsbKeyboardCtl "
Set DcapMask to 0x01 to receive only Error messages. Set to 0x02 or
higher receives all messages.
Set USB Key Matrix Application
SetUsbKeyMatrix is a Windows application for the Desktop O/S
versions (Windows 98se, Windows 2000) that uses the
NCRUsbKeyboardCtl control to set a keyboard matrix map. The
application operates as a memory-resident background process for a
duration that may be specified on the command line. If no duration is
specified, the application remains resident until terminated by user
action. While resident, the application receives device-attachment
notifications for HID devices, and when these are received, invokes
the NCRUsbKeyboardCtl control to set the keyboard matrix map.
Command-line parameters may include a value for the runtime
duration. If specified, the application remains resident only for the
requested duration. This permits the application to be used only
during defined events such as system start-up, and after which the
application will no longer remain resident in memory. The command-
line parameters may also specify that a background memory-resident
instance of the application should be terminated. In this case, the
application only terminates the background instance, and does not
remain resident itself or invoke the control to set the keyboard matrix