
Summary of Special Features
Your top rated Mitsubishi TV delivers:
181-Channel Capacity .... programs up to 181 channels,
ensuring your continued viewing pleasure as cable sem4ces
continue to expand.
Two-Speaker Sound System --- a special speaker system that
produces clear stereo sound.
Expanded Sound Capability --- allows you to connect the TV
to an external audio system for enhanced listening pleasure.
In addition to the standard features found on most advanced TVs,
Mitsubishi is proud to offer the following distinctive featm:es:
Remote Control with TV/VCR/CABLE Function --- uses a
single remote control transmitter for the television, certain
Mitsubishi VCRs, and also some VCRs an] cable boxes from
other manufacturers.
On-Screen Displays --- appear whenever you adjust your TV,
showing you the status of your TV's various functions.
On-Screen Menu --- simplifies the television's features with
easy to follow instructions.
Closed Caption Decoder --- decodes hidden text information
included with TV shows and displays the text on-screen.
Extended Data Services --- (also knowr., as '_[DS,") allows
broadcasters to supply you with channel information, program
information, and the time of day. You can display this informa-
tion on-screen.
Picture-in-Picture Mode --- allows you to view two different
sources at the same time.
Each of these features will be expIained in more detail in
Chapter 3, "Operating Your _J," and Chapter 4, "Using the Special
6 Preface: Welcome to Mitsubishi