
Understanding the On-Screen Displays
The first time you press
DISPLAY, you will sea
display like this, if your
main source is an antenna:
The first time you press
DISPLAY, you will see a
display like this, if your
main source is an input:
The second time you press
DISPLAY, you will see a
display like this:
The third time you press
DISPLAY, you will see a
display like this:
Your TV provides an on-screen summary of the current settings for
the TV, as well as the information related to Extended Data Ser-
vices (XDS). XDS allows broadcasters to supply you with channel
information, program information, and the currenl; time. To view
this information, press the display button (DISP_kY) on the
remote control repeatedly. This section describes t:he displays in
the order that they occur.
023 ESPN
Stereo & SAP SQV
Thursday 10:23 am
Thursday 10:23 am
network name ]
program description
The first setting ._.hows:
channel nuraber,
the call letters for this chanrml,
stereo and/or SAP are available
for reception on this channel,
this channel is programmed
into Super Quick View memory,
PIP input source (when a PIP
image is showing),
current day of the week, and.
The second setting shows:
the externa:[ input source (or
input name),
an S-Video cable has been
PIP input, source (when a PIP
image is showing),
current day of the week, and
The third setting shows where the
network name and program name
will appear if a broadcaster' is
supplying information via X_DS.
The fourth setting shows where
the program description will
appear if a broadcaster is sapply-
ing that information via XDS.
DImportant: If the channel you are watching does not supply iifformation via
XDS, an error message will appear ("No name available," "No
description available"), and the "call letters" will not appear.
68 Chapter 4: Using the Special Features