Temperature in °C Duration in minutes
Leeks, halved lengthwise 100 8 - 12
Leeks, sliced 100 4 - 8
New potatoes 100 25 - 40
Peas 100 3 - 8
Peppers, cut into strips 100 2 - 6
Potatoes, peeled and halved 100 20 - 40
Pumpkin, diced 100 3 - 6
Red cabbage, chopped 100 20 - 30
Romanesco florets 100 6 - 10
Romanesco, whole 100 15 - 30
Savoy cabbage, chopped 100 6 - 10
Spinach 100 2 - 4
Spring cabbage, chopped 100 8 - 10
Sugar snap peas 100 3 - 8
Swede, batons/diced 100 7 - 12
Swiss chard 100 2 - 6
White asparagus 100 10 - 16
White cabbage, chopped 100 15 - 20
The cooking durations given in the chart are guidelines for fresh vegetables. We
recommend selecting the shorter cooking duration quoted. If food is not cooked
sufficiently after the shorter time it can be put back in the oven and cooked for
Steam cooking / Vegetables