Fitting the joystick
1. Screw the spring into the holder and
tighten by hand. Whilst doing so
counterhold the joystick with an SW 9
spanner. Do not turn the spanner!
2. Then fit the middle section onto the
spring and tighten by hand whilst
continuing to counterhold the
joystick. Do not turn the spanner.
3. Then fit the lower section of the
joystick and lightly secure in position
with the screw supplied and a spring
washer. Do not tighten the screw yet.
Turn the lower section around, until
the m symbol is facing the front.
4. Then tighten the screw witha3mm
allen key. Continue to counterhold
the joystick with an SW 9 spanner.
Do not turn the spanner.
Joystick extension
The joystick can be extended if
required (special accessory - Miele
DBV 100).
Assemble the spring and top section
as described above.
Whilst counterholding the joystick
with an SW 9 spanner (do not turn),
secure the joystick extension to the
top section.
Then attach the lower section of the
joystick to the extension piece as
previously described, turn the m
symbol to the front and then tighten
the screw.