constellation where the variable star is located and is listed in the table below.
The next four digits are assigned sequentially within each constellation according to the standard sequence
of variable-star designations (R, S, ...).
Therefore, the first variable star in the constellation of Virgo would be entered as: 860001.
Code Const Code Const Code Const Code Const
1 AND 23 CIR 45 LAC 67 PSA
2 ANT 24 COL 46 LEO 68 PUP
3 APS 25 COM 47 LMI 69 PYX
4 AQR 26 CRA 48 LEP 70 RET
5 AOL 27 CRB 49 LIB 71 SGE
6 ARA 28 CRV 50 LUP 72 SGR
7 ARI 29 CRT 51 LYN 73 SCO
8 AUR 30 CRU 52 LYR 74 SCL
9 BOO 31 CYG 53 MEN 75 SCT
10 CAE 32 DEL 54 mic 76 SER
11 CAM 33 DOR 55 MON 77 SEX
12 ONC 34 DRA 56 mus 78 TAU
13 CVN 35 EQU 57 NOR 79 TEL
14 CMA 36 ERI 58 OCT 80 TRI
15 CMI 37 FOR 59 OPH 81 TRA
16 CAP 38 GEM 60 ORI 82 TUC
17 CAR 39 GRU 61 PAV 83 LIMA
18 CAS 40 HER 62 PEG 84 UMI
19 CEN 41 HOR 63 PER 85 VEL
20 CEP 42 HYA 64 PHE 86 VIR
21 CET 43 HYI 65 PIC 87 VOL
22 CHA 44 IND 66 PSC 88 VUL
Table 13: Constellation Codes
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