
Meade Instruments Corporation - Meade LX200 Instruction Manuals
5 MAG Magnitude (-5.5 through 19.9)
6 TYPE Type of object
7 * * means object is not in the RNGC
8 ALT CAT Alternate catalog name and number.
9 VQ Visual Quality Rating (abcdefg) or (ABCDEFG)
10 TAGS Object Type # (o-F) : S = Sky-Cat : T = Tirion
11 COMMENTS Name, comments, other information
The following types are distinguished in the CNGC.
0 None Unverified Southern Object
1 OPEN Open Cluster
2 GLOB Globular Cluster
3 DNEB Diffuse Nebula
4 PNEB Planetary Nebula (or SN Remnant)
5 GAL Galaxy
6 OPEN+ DNEB Open Cluster + Diffuse Nebula
7 None Non-Existent Object
8 STAR Star
9 MULTI+STAR Multiple Star
A MULTI+GAL Multiple Galaxy (Usually Interacting)
B DNEB Dark Nebula in front of Diffuse Nebula
C GAL+OPEN Open Cluster in External Galaxy
D GAL+GLOB Globular Cluster in External Galaxy
E GAL+DNEB Diffuse Nebula in External Galaxy
F GAL+OPEN+DNEB Open Cluster + Diffuse Nebula in Galaxy
S Object is also listed in the Sky Catalogue 2000
T Object is also listed in the Tition Sky Atlas 2000
Table 11: CNGC Types
[ toc ] 3. The Star Catalog
The STAR Catalog contains the 250 brightest stars (STAR 1 through STAR 250), 100 interesting double
stars (STAR 251 through STAR 350), plus Sigma Octantis, the southern pole star (STAR 351).
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