Backup MX3-CE Files 4-27
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Backup MX3-CE Files
Use the following to backup data files from the MX3-CE to a desktop or laptop PC using the
appropriate cables and Microsoft's ActiveSync (NOT included in LXE file load).
Serial Port Transfer
• A desktop or laptop PC with an available serial port and an MX3-CE with a serial or
serial/USB port. The desktop or laptop PC must be running Windows 95, 98, NT or
• Null modem cable with all control lines connected. LXE recommends using the null
modem cable part number listed in Chapter 1 "Introduction", subsection "Accessories".
USB Port Transfer
• A desktop or laptop PC with an available USB port and an MX3-CE with a serial/USB
port. The desktop or laptop PC must be running Windows 95 SR2, 98 or 2000.
• A USB ActiveSync cable. The USB ActiveSync cable is highly non-standard; LXE
recommends using the USB cable part number listed in Chapter 1 "Introduction",
subsection "Accessories".