MX3-CE Utilities 4-37
E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Host PC Command-line Utilities
Desktop PC RAPI command file utility - deletes a file on the ActiveSync-attached MX3-CE.
Syntax is: pdel filename.
Desktop PC RAPI command file utility - copies a file from the ActiveSync-attached MX3-CE to
the host PC. Syntax is: pget MX3file PCfile; if Pcfile is left off, the same name will be used for
Desktop PC RAPI command line utility - creates a directory on the ActiveSync-attached MX3-CE.
Syntax is: pmd dirname.
Desktop PC RAPI command line utility - copies a file from the host PC to the ActiveSync-attached
MX3-CE. Syntax is: pput PCfile MX3file; if MX3file is left off, the same name will be used for
Desktop PC RAPI command line utility - removes a directory from the ActiveSync-attached MX3-
CE. Syntax is: prd dirname.
Desktop PC RAPI command line utility - runs an executable on the ActiveSync-attached MX3-CE.
Syntax is: prun exename. Does not return until the application completes and displays the return
code, if any.
Desktop PC RAPI command line utility - extracts a directory tree from the ActiveSync-attached
MX3-CE. Syntax is: ptree filename. Filename is optional, in which case the entire device
directory is recursively returned. Filename accepts wildcards (*.exe, etc).