Cisco Radio 69
E-EQ-HX1RG-C-ARC HX1 Reference Guide
• Use the Cisco ACU utility.
• The WZC utility must be disabled.
• The SSID of the wireless network.
• WEP key(s)
To use WEP, create a new profile or select an exiting profile.
• WEP must be set to either Static WEP keys or Dynamic WEP keys. When one of
the WEP methods is selected, the WEP Keys button is active.
• Authentication must be set to Open
• The appropriate WEP keys must be entered. Click on the WEP Keys… button to
enter the keys.
o 40-bit WEP keys consist of 10 hexadecimal characters or 5 ASCII characters
o 128 bit WEP keys consist of 26 hexadecimal or 13 ASCII characters.
o After a WEP key is entered, it will be hidden from view if you return to the
screen. However, the “Already Set” indicates if a key has previously been
Figure 4-33 Cisco ACU, WEP Keys
If all entries are correct, the ACU Profiles tab shows “350 Series Radio is Associated”.
After any changes are made in the Cisco Configuration Utility, you must click on
the SaveCisco icon on the desktop. The HX1 should be rebooted after the
changes have been saved.