PCMCIA, CF and SD Slots 55
E-EQ-VX7RG-D VX7 Reference Guide
Summit CF Radio Card
The Summit CF radio is installed on a PCMCIA adapter. Hold the radio card with the
antenna ports facing down. Connect the antenna cable(s) as follows:
Summit radio with single antenna – Connect antenna cable to Main port.
Auxiliary port is not used.
Summit radio with dual antennas – Connect antenna cables to both Main and
Auxiliary ports.
Figure 2-43 Summit Antenna Cable Connections
4. Now complete the insertion of the 2.4GHz Type II PCMCIA Radio into the slot.
Note: When this process is complete, reattach the access cover screws using a torque
wrench capable of measuring to 9±1 inch pounds (1.016±.11 N/m). The screws
must be fastened to 9 inch pounds each. The screws require a Phillips size 1
driver head.
5. Re-connect the power cord/cable and turn the VX7 on.
6. For VX7’s with a Summit radio, review RX Diversity and TX Diversity on the Global
Settings tab of the Summit Client Utility to ensure these settings correspond to the VX7’s
antenna configuration.