96 Control Panel Options
VX7 Reference Guide E-EQ-VX7RG-D
Figure 4-22 Scanner Properties / Advanced Settings
The Advanced tab provides options for working with the scanned barcode data. Click the Prefix /
Suffix button for options to:
• Strip a specified number of characters from the leading end of the barcode data
• Strip a specified number of characters from the trailing end of the barcode
• Add a specified prefix to the beginning of the barcode data
• Add a specified suffix to the end of the barcode data.
Note: Any characters specified to be stripped from the bar code are removed before the prefix
or suffix is appended.
Figure 4-23 Scanner Properties / Advanced Settings
Strip Leading / Trailing Characters
This feature, when enabled, strips the specified number of characters from a barcode, either from
the beginning (leading) or at the end (trailing), or both.
When this feature and the Add Prefix and / or Add Suffix features are both enabled, the leading
and trailing characters are stripped before the prefix or suffix is appended.