Microsoft Windows Setup and Configuration 75
E-EQ-VX5RG-G-ARC VX5 Reference Guide
Microsoft Windows License Agreement (First Boot)
If your VX5 is shipped with a Microsoft Windows operating system pre-installed, it is
necessary to complete the Windows licensing/registration screens when starting the
VX5 for the first time. To complete this information, you need the Microsoft
Windows software/product key that was included with the VX5.
Note: If you are installing a Microsoft Windows operating system on a VX5 delivered with no
OS, you may be prompted for the Windows software or product key and registration
information either during installation or upon first boot.
Microsoft Windows 2000
The Microsoft Windows software key is a 25 digit key included with the VX5.
The first screen prompts for the name (individual or corporation) to which Microsoft Windows is
registered. After the information is entered, press or click on the “Next” button.
The second screen displays Microsoft’s licensing agreement. Review the agreement and indicate
if you wish to accept the agreement.
Note: If you do not accept the agreement, Microsoft Windows does not continue to load.
The next screen asks for the software key. Enter the key exactly as it is displayed on the decal.
Note: If you ordered multiple VX5’s, a separate key code decal is included for each VX5. Each
key code is to be used on only one VX5. Be sure to store the key codes in a safe place.
Pressing “Next” finishes the licensing/registration process.
As Microsoft Windows starts for the first time, you are asked to verify the time and time zone.
Make any necessary changes and Windows finishes its setup and starts for the first time.
Microsoft Windows XP
When Microsoft Windows XP is started by the user for the first time (known as the “out of the
box experience”), a series of questions is presented. The product key (printed on a decal attached
to the VX5) must be entered. The series of prompts and responses allow the user to configure
Microsoft Windows XP on the VX5 according to the user’s needs.
During this process it is normal for the “New Hardware Wizard” window to appear. When the
wizard appears and asks for the Ethernet device driver, select “OEMxxx.INF” (where xxx is a
series of numbers, such as OEM123.INF) from the list of available drivers and click Next. When
prompted, click Finish to complete the installation of the Ethernet device.
If you are installing a Summit radio, the wizard window may appear for the radio driver. If
prompted to search Windows Update for the device driver, select “No, not this time” and click
Next. Then click Next and Finish when prompted.
If you are installing a Symbol radio, the wizard window may appear for the radio driver. Click
Next and then Finish when prompted.
Proceed with the remainder of the boot process.