BIOS Setup 61
E-EQ-VX5RG-G-ARC VX5 Reference Guide
Identifying BIOS Revision
The VX5 is available with two different BIOS revisions. The appropriate BIOS is determined by
the VX5’s internal components and is loaded on the VX5 during manufacture. The BIOS should
not be reflashed with a different version.
The BIOS is identified by one of the following strings:
• MOD8R901
• LXE0R100
The string is displayed during the boot process as:
Kontron(R) BIOS Version <xxxxxxxx>
where xxxxxxxx is equal to one of the values above.
Additionally, the LXE0R100 BIOS is identified on the BIOS screens with “LXE0” displayed in
the upper left corner of the BIOS screen and “R100” displayed in the upper right. The
MOD8R901 BIOS does not have the version displayed on the BIOS screens.
Unless otherwise noted, BIOS parameters in the following sections are present in both BIOS
Accessing the BIOS Setup
When you turn the VX5 on, the unit starts to boot. Watch the bootup sequence and when the
following is displayed:
Press F2 to Enter Setup
Press the [F2] key.
Note: The “Press F2 to Enter Setup” message may be disabled in the BIOS. The F2 key still
has the same function when the display of the message is disabled.
BIOS Setup has six menus: Main, Advanced, Security, Power, Boot and Exit.
Using the Keypad
The set of keypad commands used to select menu items and parameters, as well as modify
parameter values is as follows:
Action Keypress
Exit a menu Esc
Activate Help Screen F1
Modify parameter value Space key or alpha-numeric key
Move to next parameter Enter or Arrow Key
Move from menu to menu Arrow key
Note: Refer to Appendix A “Key Maps” for other key press sequences.