Control Panel Options 69
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | Accessibility
Customize the way the keyboard, sound, display, mouse, automatic reset and notification sound
function. There is no change from general desktop Accessibility options. Adjust the settings and
tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Figure 3-6 Accessibility Properties, Keyboard
Sticky keys are not available on the VX3X.
Administrator Control
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | PC Connection
Use this option to set parameters for computers intended to be used as dedicated, single (or multi)
application devices. In other words, only the application(s) or feature(s) specified in the AppLock
configuration by the Administrator are available to the user.
LXE devices with the AppLock feature are shipped to boot in Administration mode with no
default password, thus when the device is first booted, the user has full access to the device and no
password prompt is displayed. After the administrator specifies an application to lock, a password
is assigned and the device is rebooted or the hotkey is pressed, the device switches to end-user
AppLock also contains a component which sets configuration parameters as specified by the
To set the AppLock parameters, please see Chapter 6, “AppLock” for details.