Quick Start 5
E-EQ-VX3XRG-G VX3X Reference Guide
Quick Start
This section’s instructions are based on the assumption that your new system is pre-configured
and requires only accessory installation (e.g. barcode scanner) and a power source.
In general, the sequence of events is:
1. Install Vehicle Mounting Bracket on vehicle and secure VX3X in Mounting Bracket
Assembly (see “VX3X User’s Guide”).
2. Connect power cable to the VX3X. Please refer to the instructions, warnings and
fuse location specified in the “VX3X User’s Guide” for connecting the VX3X power
cable to vehicle DC power.
3. Connect accessories to VX3X, e.g. scanner. (see “VX3X User’s Guide).
4. Turn the VX3X on.
5. When instructed, calibrate the touchscreen (see Chapter 3, “System Configuration”).
6. The screen may appear white while applications and drivers are loading. When
complete, set Date and Time (see Chapter 3, “System Configuration”).
7. Adjust audio, volume and other parameters as desired.
8. Configure radio (see Chapter 5, “Wireless Network Configuration”).
9. Pair Bluetooth devices.
10. Warmboot to ensure all registry settings are saved.
11. Device is ready for use.
The VX3X should be mounted in an area in the vehicle where it:
• Does not obstruct the vehicle driver’s vision or safe vehicle operation.
• Can be easily accessed by anyone seated in the driver’s seat.
Can’t calibrate the
touch screen, change
the date/time or
adjust the volume.
AppLock is installed and running on the mobile device. AppLock
restricts User access to running programs. Changes or modifications
require Administrator access.
Refer to “Chapter 6 – AppLock” for setup and processing information.
RFTerm opens and
runs upon each cold
reset and warm reset.
Tap File | Exit to close the RFTerm application.
VX3X seems to
lockup as soon as it is
There may be small delays while the wireless client connects to the
network, authorization for Voxware-enabled applications complete,
Wavelink Avalanche management of the VX3X startup completes, and
Bluetooth relationships establish or re-establish.