MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.1
Issue 1
August 1998
Page vi
1 Introduction 1-1
■ Installation Sequence 1-1
■ System Forms 1-2
■ Programming the System 1-4
■ Upgrading the System 1-4
2 Installing the Control Unit 2-1
■ Overview 2-1
■ AC Power and Grounding 2-6
■ Unit Loads 2-17
■ Installing the Basic Carrier 2-18
■ Installing the Power Supply 2-20
■ Installing the Auxiliary Power Unit 2-26
■ Installing Expansion Carriers 2-28
■ Installing the Processor 2-30
■ Installing the Modules 2-33
■ Replacing a Module 2-41
■ Connecting the Control Unit to an AC Outlet 2-44
■ Powering Up the System 2-45
■ Powering Down the System 2-46