
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was
complete and accurate at the time of printing.
However, information is subject to change.
See Appendix A, “Customer Support Information,” for important
information. It follows
Maintenance and
in this binder.
Your Responsibility for Your System’s Security
Toll fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system
by an unauthorized party, for example,
persons other than your company’s employees, agents,
subcontractors, or persons working on your company’s behalf. Note
that there may be a risk of toll fraud associated with your
telecommunications system, and if toll fraud occurs, it can result in
substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services.
You and your system manager are responsible for the security of your
system, such as programming and
configuring your equipment to prevent unauthorized use. The system
manager is also responsible for reading all
installation, instruction, and system administration documents provided
with this product in order to fully understand the features that can
introduce risk of toll fraud and the steps that can be taken to reduce
that risk. Lucent
Technologies does not warrant that this product is immune from or will
prevent unauthorized use of common-carrier telecommunication
services or facilities accessed through or connected to it. Lucent
Technologies will not be
responsible for any charges that result from such unauthorized use. For
1998, Lucent Technologies 555-661-140
All Rights Reserved Issue 1
Printed in USA August 1998
1998, Lucent Technologies 555-661-140
All Rights Reserved Issue 1
Printed in USA August 1998