B-8 B-8
2. Language
Selecting the yellow language menu button brings up
the list of languages the software supports. Use the
joystick to highlight the desired language. Press the
red select button to accept. Press the yellow button
again to exit the language menu. The system stores
the language selection and will automatically start up in
the same language the next time.
3. Measurement Units
The blue unit menu button brings up the measurement
system. Use the joystick to highlight the desired unit of
measurement. Press the red select button to accept.
Press the blue again to exit the measurement unit
menu. Selecting Metric or Imperial converts the user
interface into the corresponding measurement system.
The system stores the measurement selection, so it
will automatically start up in the same unit of measure-
ment the next time. The system uses the units shown
in the table below.
4. Menu
The red menu button allows the student to shut down
the system. If the user selects shutdown, a submenu
appears asking the user if they are sure that they want
to shut down the system. This prompt prevents the
user from accidentally shutting down the system. If the
user selects “Yes”, the VRTEX
360 will shut down.
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