B-3 B-3
360 is a virtual reality arc welding train-
er. This computer based training system is an educa-
tional tool designed to allow students to practice their
welding technique in a simulated environment. It pro-
motes the efficient transfer of welding skills to the weld-
ing booth, while reducing material waste and energy
consumption associated with traditional welding train-
See figure on page B-2 for locations of operator con-
trols and indicators.
1. The monitor allows the student to view the setup
menu selections and also provides an active view of
the actual welding process for teachers and stu-
dents. The monitor can be rotated for ease of view-
ing. Make certain the power button on the monitor
is ON and the green LED is lit.
2. By moving the joystick, the operator can navigate
through various menu options.
3. The colored buttons correlate to the colored rec-
tangles present at the bottom of the monitor when
the simulation software is running. These buttons
perform various functions depending upon the com-
mand shown in the corresponding box on the
4. The wire feed speed/amperage dial allows the
user to input wire feed speed/amperage.
5. The voltage dial allows the user to input the weld-
ing voltage. This dial also allows input of trim values
when pulse process is in use.
6. The white screen select arrows allow the operator
to cycle through various screens.
7. The process selector switch permits the selection
of welding process. (GMAW, FCAW, OR SMAW)
8. The polarity selector switch permits the selection
of the welding polarity for any given process. (DC+,
DC-, or AC).
9. The USB port is used to upload software and down-
load user data from the software.
10. The key switch is located on the lower right of the
control panel. When the system is in the login
screen the instructor may insert a key (shipped
with the system) into the key lock and then rotate it
90 degrees to the right. This will permit access to
the Weldometer
, Tolerance Editor, Options and
Update screens.
11 Pressing and holding (3 seconds) the green circu-
lar button powers up the VRTEX
360 system.
Note: It does not power down the system.
12. The red select button accepts (enters) the data
displayed or highlighted on the monitor.
13. VR GMAW/FCAW gun holder.
14. VR SMAW device holder.
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