Configuration Program
8.5.4 Frequency Selection
The UPS is normally designed for 50Hz or 60Hz operation. The factory default corresponds to the
model. All models are capable of being used as 50Hz or 60Hz systems. The UPS will automatically
sense the utility frequency when first plugged in and set the nominal frequency to match. Therefore,
for all normal use the Auto Sense button should be selected.
Some special applications require that the UPS be used as a frequency converter. Frequency con-
verter 50Hz or frequency converter 60Hz may be selected.
Note that frequency converter operation disables the Bypass. If, for any reason, the UPS inverter is
unable to power the load, the alternate bypass to utility power will not be available and power will be
removed from any load.
8.6 Options Tab
Computer users may choose to use versatile com-
puter shutdown software that communicates
with the UPS via a serial communications cable.
The Options tab should not be used to modify the
UPS functions for such applications.
For some industrial applications and special
computer applications, the UPS may be moni-
tored and controlled using external voltages and
relay contact signals. The Options tab expands
the UPS versatility for such applications.
Refer to your UPS manual for a description of the
9-pin communication connector on the rear of the
UPS. Pin 6 of the 9-pin communication connector
is used for “Any Mode Shutdown” of the UPS out-
put. This control input may be used in special
applications to disable the UPS output power -
both Inverter and Bypass.
The Options tab allows the behavior of the Any
Mode Shutdown feature to be modified.
When the program opens or the REFRESH but-
ton is pressed, the UPS setting is read by the
configuration program and displayed.
Factory Default Setting Illustrated - This
Options tab illustration shows the available
function definitions using pin 6 and the factory
default settings.
Auto-Enable Output
Note that when this option is selected and the UPS output is disabled using Pin 6, the UPS
output can turn on automatically and without warning if the Pin 6 connection is changed.
Pin 6 Logic
DO NOT CHANGE THIS OPTION from the factory default setting unless you are ready to
install a normally-closed connection between Pins 5 & 6. This connection must be maintained
to use the UPS or to use the configuration program again, including the ability to change the
UPS setting back to the default setting using the configuration program via a serial
communication link.