Configuration Program
8.5 UPS Tab
When the program starts, the following window will open displaying the UPS model along with the
current UPS settings. This information can be updated at any time using the REFRESH button.
Figure 4 Factory default settings for 120VAC UPS
8.5.1 Output Voltage
The Output Voltage displayed is the nominal input/output voltage. This is not a voltmeter and will
display the nominal voltage whether the UPS is on or off. The drop down box will show the alternate
voltages available. Select the voltage that matches the nominal utility in your location.
8.5.2 Auto Restart
The UPS will provide computer grade power during power outages. If input power is unavailable for
an extended time, the UPS will shut down when batteries are depleted or a shutdown signal is sent by
the computer operating system to limit battery depletion (serial data or contact closure). If Auto
Restart is enabled (check mark in box), the UPS will restart when input power is restored. If the UPS
turns off power to the load for any other reason, manual restart is required (See 8.6 - Options Tab
for exceptions). Click on the box to remove the check mark and disable Auto Restart.
8.5.3 L-N Reverse Detection (120V UPS Models Only)
Proper wiring of the receptacle powering the UPS is critical for safety, EMI suppression and surge
suppression. The UPS checks the outlet when first plugged in. If the Line-Neutral is reversed or the
ground is missing, the UPS will not start. If a problem is detected after the UPS is started, the UPS
will continue to operate, but the AC Input indicator will flash. In some unique applications the user
may wish to disable this alarm. Except for special situations, improperly wired receptacles should be
immediately repaired before the UPS is put into service. Click on the box to remove the check mark
and disable this alarm.