IP addresses should be in the dot notation form of X.X.X.X, for example, To perform
a network discovery (search a subnet), use a zero(0) or asterisk (*) as a wildcard. For example, would search the entire Class B network, finding all devices whose address begins with
You can also enter SNMP community names to change the read or write access privileges
associated with Quick Find. To change the read/write privileges, go to MarkVision
Administrative Settings or select Administrative Settings from the All Tasks list. Then, select the
Quick Find tab. The default value for the Read and Write fields is “public.” To change the default
value, enter the new community names in the appropriate field. The community names are
Note: This changes the MarkVision community name, not the print server community
name. To change the print server name, refer to your print server documentation.
Using Folders
For information on folders see Creating folders.
Find Results window
Devices that are selected using either the Quick Find or Folders tab are displayed in the Find Results
window. Devices that appear with a strikethrough are not supported for the selected task. Devices
that are displayed in red text are password protected.
Multi-select capability
When you are presented with a list of items, such as printers, you can multi-select them using the
Control or Shift key. This lets you edit an attribute for all the selected devices at one time. For
example, if the contact name for a group of printers has changed, you can multi-select those
particular printers and change the contact name for those printers only, without having to change
each one individually.
Enhanced accessibility
MarkVision Professional offers alternative keyboard navigation in accordance with industry
standards. MarkVision’s user interface and subsequent task oriented dialog boxes can be navigated
exclusively with a keyboard. The navigational features include using the Alt key to activate
mnemonic (underlined character) options in the Task bar menus, accelerator key combinations that
invoke menu items without navigating the menus, and the ability to “jump” through the different
elements of a dialog screen using either the F6 function key, which navigates between sections of
the dialog, or the Tab key which navigates specific components in a section.
MarkVision tasks
There are a variety of tasks you can perform using MarkVision Professional, and a variety of ways to
access them: