Installing MarkVision Professional
RedHat Linux; SuSE Linux
1 Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site and place the package file in the
/tmp directory.
2 Unzip and untar the file:
$ tar zxvf /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86.tar.gz
3 cd to the package directory:
$ cd /tmp/markvision-pro-linux-glibc2-x86
4 Install either all or individual MarkVision components:
• To install all MarkVision components, issue the command:
rpm -ivh *.rpm
• To install individual MarkVision Professional components, specify the file name of the
MarkVision Professional component that you want to install. For example, to install just
the MarkVision Professional Server, issue the command:
rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJserver-*.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh markvision-pro-MVJclient-*.i386.rpm
5 Type the following on the command line and answer any questions that appear:
Solaris SPARC systems
1 Download the MVP package file from the Lexmark Web site and place the package file in the
/tmp directory.
2 Start the package installation program:
pkgadd -d /tmp/markvision-pro-solaris2-sparc.pkg
3 When a list of available packages appears:
a If you want to install all the packages, type all and then press Enter.
b If you want to install individual packages, type each package number separated by a
comma and then press Enter. For example: 1,2,3.
4 Follow the prompts and answer any questions that appear on the screen:
a To accept the defaults, press Enter.
b To answer yes/no questions, type y, n, or ?, and then press Enter.