Centration of the 12 V 100 W, Hg, Xe lamps
Lamphousing 107/2 for 12 V 100 W halogen lamp
This lamphousing is permanently set and does
not require centration. However, it is essential
that the lamp is aligned straight in its mount.
Lamphousing 107 L for 12 V 100 W halogen lamp
(Fig. 68)
3 alternative centration methods:
Method 1:
Centration with a centring aid
On the right side of the microscope there is an
adjustment window showing an image of the
light source. The reflector for lamp adjustment is
inserted in the filter turret instead of a filter cube
and turned into the light path.
Centre the lamp as described for method 2 while
watching the light source in the adjustment
Method 2:
Centration in the rear focal plane of the
1. Turn a low-power objective into the light path
and, using the BF reflector, focus on a
strongly reflecting specimen (e. g. surface
mirror) with the coarse and fine drive. Open
the field and aperture diaphragm (72.1 + 72.3).
2. Remove the eyepiece from the right or left
tube and look into the empty eyepiece tube.
3. Slightly reduce the light intensity until the
back objective pupil (back lens surface of the
objective) can be clearly seen.
4. Adjust the lamp collector (68.4) until you see
the structure of the lamp filament. The
filament image is divided into two with a pale
stripe in the middle (Fig. 69).
Please note that only the central area of the
filament can be seen and that the image is
very low in contrast.
Fig.␣ 68␣ ␣ Lamphousing 107 L␣
1 Cover fixing screws, 2 Screw for horizontal adjustment,
3 Screw for vertical adjustment, 4 Collector focusing
Fig.␣ 69␣ ␣ Lamphousing 107/2 and 107L
Reflection of the lamp filament (greatly schematized): the
reflection is actually very low in contrast, the pale overlap
area is wider and more blurred. For lamphousing 106 z the
reflection is rotated by 90°.