Operating modes
Contamination of the dry objectives is prevented
by the fact that the objective nosepiece is
always lowered before objectives are changed.
When switching from one operating mode to the
other, please proceed as follows:
Starting in the DRY mode:
(Display at the bottom right in the LD display: D)
Press the keys “lower z position”
”focus position”
on the control panel of the
microscope simultaneously to switch from Dry
to Immersion.
The objective nosepiece is lowered and the
message “Change Objective” appears in the
display. The corresponding oil immersion
objective is switched into the light path with the
objective changing key (normally the upper
objective changing key). From now on, only oil
immersion objectives or objectives of the
“Combined” category are travelled to.
(“I” now appears in the LC display at the bottom
The Leica DM IRB microscope is equipped with
a switch function between the operating modes
“Dry” and “Immmersion” (IMM) to ensure
straightforward, error-free operation.
This prevents
– dry objectives from being immersed in oil by
– immersion objectives from being used without
immersion oil by mistake.
Changing the operating mode
The operating modes are switched by simulta-
neously pressing the keys “lower z position”
and “focus position” on the control
panel of the microscope. This means that
immersion cannot be travelled to in Dry mode
and dry objectives with a short working distance
cannot be travelled to in Immersion mode.
To ensure smooth operation, immersion oil must
be applied to all oil immersion objectives in the
nosepiece that are to be used before you start