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C-6 Troubleshooting
Avoiding “Water Spots” or “Bubbles” When
This section describes steps you take to avoid the appearance of un-
wanted circular shaped objects — appearing like water spots, dimples,
bubbles, or blisters — in scanned images. These objects occur when dust
collects on the surface of the diffuser (a 3” x 4” piece of white plastic) in
the scanner, producing unwanted results. The two-part procedure de-
scribed in this section combines using a dust removal tool to clean the
diffuser with a software RECALIBRATE button.
Follow these procedures:
The first time you perform a scan during each work session.
At any time if you notice water spots or bubbles in the scanned image.
Using the Dust Removal Tool
1. Remove the calibration mask and single-frame holder adapter or
multi-frame holder from the scanner.