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Using KODAK Drivers with Windows Applications — PC 9-29
SCAN Produces the final scan of the image at the current settings,
closes the KODAK Driver window, and creates an untitled
window displaying the scanned image in your application.
SELECT Generates low-resolution black and white scans which
appear in the KODAK Driver window every two seconds,
thus allowing you to view the image in position in the
Scanner. Scanning will stop automatically after 10 minutes if
no additional action is taken.
NOTE: Refer to “Select the Image” earlier in this chapter for
additional information on this option.
SHARPEN Sharpens the overall image and defines the edges among
image elements (pixels). Choose from H
Version Number The version number for the KODAK TWAIN Driver
appears in the title line at the top of the KODAK Driver
IEW CHANGES Using the last scanned or prescanned image, this button
produces an image on which you observe the results of any
changes you make to the color, brightness, and/or contrast
settings in the BALANCE area of the KODAK Driver window.
NOTE: Normally no scanning occurs so VIEW CHANGES is faster than
using P
RESCAN. Like PRESCAN, it does not load an image into your
application. However, V
IEW CHANGES does scan the image:
When the Scanner is first accessed and VIEW CHANGES is
selected before SCAN or PRESCAN has been selected.
When the last image scanned or prescanned was black-and-
white and you select V
IEW CHANGES with the B & W box now