Chapter 3---Service Adjustments
Begin your S-Record upload now (Esc to
12B. Select “Transfers/Send Text File” from the Windows
Terminal Menu (normally in Accessories window). In the
“Send Text File Dialog” box, select “List Files of Type: All
Files” and select the disk and/or directory with the Model
220 software. Select file named “zsys.hex”. Press OK to
start upload.
12C. During upload, a progress indicator updates the number
of records received. When the upload is complete, the
system will display the following (numerical values are for
example only and depend on the System Software
S-Records processed:11282
Upload Successful
Address Range: 0x00020000-0x000781cf
Bytes Loaded:360912
Press Enter to continue, Esc to abort
12D. At this point the system has verified that the load module
is correct and is ready to update the Flash memory. Press
Enter to perform the update (Esc will abort the update
process with no changes). While the Flash is being
updated (approx 15-30 seconds), DO NOT turn off the
projector circuit breaker, this may make the machine
unbootable, requiring a new set of flash chips to be
installed. When the update is complete, the system will
display the following:
Reprogramming Flash Sector 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
System software update successful
Command: _
The software update is complete. To restart the projector, type in
the “reboot” command and press Enter. The projector will now
restart with the updated System Software.
3.12 Cleaning Lenses, ILA
Assemblies and Mirrors
The projection lens is the only item that will require periodic
cleaning. The other assemblies are covered to prevent dust from
entering or finger smudges. Cleaning may be needed due to
special circumstances such as replacing the assembly or an
adjacent assembly. Cleaning should only require removing
excessive dust (use canned compressed air such as “Office
Duster” or Aero Duster) or removing fingerprint smudges (use
“Kodak Lens paper”, or equivalent) from the projection lens. As
much as possible, clean the optics only when absolutely
Model 200 Service Manual 3-17