Chapter 5---Troubleshooting
error. If it occurs, copy the 3 lines that appear on the screen, note what occured
just prior to this failure, and call Hughes-JVC.
5.3. Troubleshooting Guide
Table 5-2 shows some common projector problems, what to check when problems occur, possible
solutions and the section in this Service Manual (If User’s Guide contains pertinent information, the
appropriate section will be given) that provides some related information on the problem.
Table 5-3. Troubleshooting Guide.
No Power
Main Circuit Breaker on
Projector rear panel.
Reset Circuit Breaker.
Main Circuit Breaker fails
when reset.
Verify input power is
correct. Replace
defective Low Voltage
Power Supply or Arc
Lamp Power Supply.
4.5 and 4.6
Power Interlock Switch Test switch operation. If
defective, replace switch.
Projector cover not
enabling interlock
Reposition projector
No Picture
Correct channel input &
VIC selected?
Select correct channel
and VIC.
User’s Guide 4.6
Arc Lamp turned off. Restart projector. User’s Guide 4.3.
System power turned off. Restart projector. User’s Guide 4.3.
Signal source Verify signal source is
turned on and properly
User’s Guide 3.5.
HIDE command
Unhide image with the
HIDE key on the remote.
One color is missing. Turn on the missing color
with the HIDE key.
No image or raster on
one CRT.
Replace defective CRT or
Video Amplifier Board.
4.15, 4.13
Arc Lamp
Arc Lamp will not light.
Clicking noise is heard
when projector is turned
Replace worn out Arc
Clicking noise not
audible when projector is
turned on.
LVPS, ALPS, or Ignitor
faulty. Replace LVPS,
ALPS, or Ignitor.
4.6, 4.5, 4.4
Arc Lamp ignites but will
not stay lit.
Replace defective Ignitor. 4.4
5-6 Model 200 Service Manual